OSoLiS - On-line Software Licensing SystemsAuthor Newsletters
January 2004

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Real-time currency conversion


Automated follow-up


Short Survey Of Requirements

Info-Zone And Test System

Real-time currency conversion

We now display order totals in both US$ and the customer's local currency, which is calculated using real-time exchange rate data. Customers continue to be charged in US$, so author receipts are unaffected.top of page


We now offer customers the option to pay via PayPal. This opens up additional payment methods: e-check (automated debit from a current account) and UK debit cards, Switch and Solo. We have integrated the licensing system with PayPal's system so that the customer receives their Personal License Register immediately after completing their PayPal payment.

We are also now able to pay authors via PayPal. This is quicker and, for many, more convenient than a US dollar check and usually cheaper than a wire transfer (in fact free if payment is sent to a 'personal' PayPal account).top of page

Automated follow-up

We now automatically follow up incomplete purchases after 10 days. This is a useful prompt to action for those customers undecided about whether to buy your software; it also helps us identify any difficulties the user may have experienced or misunderstandings (the most common being that the customer believes s/he needs to register before trialling the software).top of page


And don't forget:

  • Included in our service package is a powerful bulk-mailing facility for sending personalised e-mails to your customers.
  • We now have a version of our License Verification library available for Delphi as well as C++.
  • Our License Verification solution is compatible with the code encryption features of Armadillo, making for virtually uncrackable software protection.
  • We cater for German- and Spanish-speaking customers as well as English.
  • We've simplified our Agreement with Authors.
  • We support payment distributions at source, to affiliates, resellers, co-developers, charities, etc.
  • Our fees are very competitive, starting at just 8% + $0.60
  • We handle every aspect of each sale, so you can get on with development without interruption - or go on holiday.top of page

Short Survey of Requirements

We have a number of developments in the pipeline:

  • handle orders for burn-on-demand CD-ROMs
  • accept alternative payment methods
  • translate registration system into other languages
  • port the License Verification Library to .NET
  • ... and others

To help us prioritize our resources to develop what you need or would most like, please spare a few moments to participate in our short survey of requirements. It will take you no more than two minutes! (Our apologies if you have tried unsuccesfully to complete the survey before now - the problem has been resolved). top of page

Info-Zone and Test System

If you haven't checked our Info-Zone recently, log in now to access detailed coverage of all of our services. From the Info-Zone home page, you can also access our test system to try out all aspects of our on-line registration system.top of page

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